Cara Chamberlain received degrees in English and creative writing from the University of Utah (B.A.) and Purdue University (M.A.). She taught writing and literature for over 25 years in Wyoming, Maine, Canada, Florida, and Montana. Her poetry, essays, and short fiction have been published or are forthcoming in over 150 journals, including Boston Review, Tar River Poetry, Nimrod, The Southern Review, Passages North, and CutBank. She is the author of three collections of poetry: Hidden Things (FootHills Publishing, 2009), The Divine Botany (Word Poetry, 2015), and Lament of the Antichrist in a Secular World and Other Poems (Word Poetry, 2017). Her writing has been featured in Verse Daily and Poetry Daily. She has received three Pushcart Prize nominations. Currently, she works as a writer and freelance copy editor in Billings, MT.